Hello and Welcome to another Budget Builds Episode where today we're taking a look at the 95/$1 Phone I ordered off of ebay a little while ago in a very odd ebay auction that didnt last very long, and didnt have much information....For good reason id say. Anyways join us today as we try to save this little piece of history, well a history Samsung would rather forget. As we restore this little phone and give it a full on Budget Builds Test, with a new OS, and everything from Music Playback all the way to YouTube, and every game I couldthink of to test....Which isnt that many, but anywho enjoy! Simcity 3000 - Building MGS - Hidden Jazz OST OpenTTD / TTD - OST Noel Gallagher - Riverman Why not become a Patreon you get to: -Vote on the Next Video -Support the Channel in an Amazing Way -Get Previews to New Videos -Exclusive/Unfinished Content https://www.patreon.com/BudgetBuilds Twitter: https://twitter.com/Budget_Builds_ Specs: CPU: Snapdragon S1 RAM: 512MB GPU: Adreno 200 THIS VIDEO IS MADE AS A HOBBY AND NOT TO BE REDISTRIBUTED OR REUPLOADED